Answered By: Archives Reference Staff
Last Updated: Jun 06, 2024     Views: 1061

The University Archives maintains comprehensive holdings of Hoopes prize undergraduate theses. Please note that prize papers written through 2019 are only available in paper and those from 2020 and later are only available in digital form.

Searching for Hoopes prize theses

All Hoopes prize theses held by the Archives are cataloged in HOLLIS.

  1. Select "Library Catalog" instead of "Catalog & Articles"
  2. Search by author, title, and/or keyword
  3. You can try a search with the keywords: hoopes prize with an additional keyword and/or date:


A comprehensive list of recent prize-winning authors and titles is available on the FAS Prize Office website.   Use this information to search HOLLIS for specific authors/titles.

How to get access to recent digital Hoopes prize theses?

For 2020 and later academic years, Hoopes prize theses are accessible from links in HOLLIS. Click "online access" to read the thesis. Access is currently restricted to current Harvard affiliates and you will need to log in with your Harvard Key. Please note that the theses are fully readable but are not available for download.

How to request reading room access or digital copies of Hoopes prize theses?

You will need to create an online account in the HOLLIS Special Request system to submit requests for reading room use or digital copies. After you create an account, you may submit your request as either a Reading Room Request or a Copy Request.

As you complete the HOLLIS SPECIAL REQUEST form, please be sure to include the following information in the fields to expedite the request (Please be sure to complete a separate request form for each unique title and call number).

  • Library: Harvard University Archives
  • Title: Enter the title of the thesis
  • Author: Enter the name of the author
  • Call number: (for example: HU 89.208.0072 or HU 92.2018.67 or Accession 2017.605)

Do note that the author’s written permission is required to copy theses and prize essays for the first five years after submission.

Imaging Services currently charges a flat rate of $135 to scan and deliver copies of Harvard theses, dissertations, and prize papers for reference use. If a digital version of the work already exists, Imaging Services only will charge a $30 fee to download a copy.

When you submit the online order copy request, Imaging Services staff will reply with cost and delivery information.

Retrievals of theses from off-site storage can take up to three business days. For reading room or scan requests, you can check your HOLLIS Special Request account to monitor the status of your request.