Answered By: Archives Reference Staff
Last Updated: Nov 10, 2021     Views: 17896

All dissertations held by the Harvard University Archives are cataloged in the Harvard Library On-Line Information System (HOLLIS). To search for dissertations from 1873 to 2012, start with HOLLIS:

  • Search by author, title, and/or keyword
  • To improve your search results, limit the repository location to Harvard University Archives

Please note: to find dissertations submitted since 2012 please use DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard).

How to request reading room access or digital scans to dissertations:

You will need to create an online account in the HOLLIS Special Request system to submit requests for reading room use or digital scanning. After you create an account, you may submit your request as either a Reading Room Request or a Copy Request.

As you complete the HOLLIS SPECIAL REQUEST/online order form, please be sure to include the following information in the following fields to expedite the request.

  • Library: Harvard University Archives
  • Title
  • Author
  • Call number: (e.g. HU 90.5459.2)

Please be sure to complete an individual request form for each unique title and call number.

Please note that retrievals of dissertations from off-site storage can take up to two business days. For reading room or scan requests, check your HOLLIS Special Request account to monitor the status of your request.

Imaging Services currently charges a flat rate of $135 to scan and deliver copies of Harvard theses and dissertations for reference use. If a digital version of the thesis or dissertation already exists (and scanning is not necessary to produce a copy), Imaging Services charges a $30 fee to download a copy.

When you submit the online order form, Imaging Services staff will reply with cost and delivery information.